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School Hours:
7:50 A.M. - 3:10 P.M.
Aftercare: 3:10 P.M. - 6 P.M. 

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The Mission of Gulf Coast Charter Academy South, is to foster pride in academic achievement for all students, coupled with a concerted effort focused on the ELL (English Language Learner) population, through the STEM Model (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning opportunities, resulting in higher student learning outcomes, concurrently with teaching lifelong fitness and developing the students’ creative ability.  We strive to provide the students with an environment to learn and be successful in a safe and orderly school.


The vision of Gulf Coast Charter Academy South is to establish an authentic learning community and environment, which will lead to greater academic achievement for all students.  While authentic learning is a process that elevates all students to higher degrees of learning, our focus will be on English Language Learners, (which represents one out of five students in the State of Florida) using a STEM approach.

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Student Safety Statement

The Board of Directors, FORZA Education Management, and Gulf Coast Charter Academy South are committed to protecting the safety, health and welfare of all its employees, voluntary workers, pupils and visitors to the school.  We will determine and maintain appropriate policies on school safety, welfare and supervision for all school activities, whether taking place in or outside school premises. In order to fulfill this commitment the board will identify and evaluate and then eliminate or reduce all hazards to which employees, pupils or other school users may be exposed.


The Board has provided the following to aid the school in creating a safe environment for all stakeholders:


  • Camera system that provides continuous monitoring of all indoor and outdoor areas, including, but not limited to all entry points, hallways, and school surrounding areas.

  • Electronic entry access to Main Lobby, Hallways, and Child Development Center. Additionally, fingerprint access is utilized to check background of visitors to the Child Development Center.

  • Carry out a safety inspection of the school at least annually and identify any hazards that might expose any of the school users to risks of injury or property damage.

  • Make copies of the school safety policy available to employees, voluntary workers, school committees and any other persons who are entitled to see it.

  • A Collier County Sheriff Department school safety officer is on-site during all operating hours.

  • Staff are trained to identify and deescalate difficult situations.

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​​​​Gulf Coast Charter Academy South     
215 Airport-Pulling Road North
Naples, FL 34104

Phone:  239-784-1539
Fax:  239-263-4443


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